5 Ways to Shrink Big Thighs That Make You Disappointed


Having large calves, thighs, and buttocks sometimes makes some people insecure. Small thighs and calves are considered as an indicator of an ideal body shape. This beauty standard makes many people, both women and men, who are looking for various ways to reduce their thighs and calves. In fact, shrink the thighs, calves, and buttocks can not be done instantly. How to shrink calves and thighs? Is there a powerful exercise to reduce thighs?

Factors that affect the size of the thigh There are many things that can affect the size of your thighs. One of the main factors is genetics. There is a gene called KLF14 which is believed to have an important role in the distribution of fat in female body parts.

Differences in gene variants are thought to be able to determine the shape of a woman’s body. For example, a pear-like body shape that is identical to a larger thigh size and a slimmer upper body. Well, besides heredity, there are other things that might contribute to the size of your thighs.

  1. Gender It is a characteristic of women that the size of the pelvis, buttocks, and thighs are larger than men. How come? Women and men do have a different distribution of body fat. The hormone estrogen produced by the female body makes the accumulation of fat more in the hips, buttocks, and thighs. While the accumulation of fat in the male body tends to be more in the front abdominal area.

  2. Diet high in fat and sugar Food has a big effect on the accumulation of fat in the body. Moreover, foods are high in saturated and trans fats, sugar, and salt. Most of the consumption of these types of foods will make you gain weight and increase body fat composition.

The fat will later run to the thighs. If the weight gain is too large, the risk of obesity will be higher.

  1. Sedentary lifestyle and lack of exercise Eating too many high-fat foods plus infrequent exercise can cause more fat accumulation in the thighs. Basically, physical activity is beneficial for burning fat. Not only sports, household activities such as sweeping, washing clothes, and cleaning a room that takes energy and sweat can also help.

How to shrink and tighten thighs, calves, and buttocks

As explained above, an inactive lifestyle and a high-carbohydrate diet will make fat accumulate in the body. Meanwhile, the distribution of body fat composition is regulated by a gene that certainly cannot be changed.

Therefore, how to shrink the thighs and hips by means of physical exercise and diet can be in vain. The combination of the two is not always effective in reducing fat where you want it.

However, physical exercise and diet can help burn body fat, help tone the muscles of the body, including the thighs, and make your body healthier and avoid the risk of chronic disease.

  1. Improve diet Adopting a healthy diet is one of the best ways to maintain body fat composition. Expand the consumption of complex carbohydrates that come from whole wheat bread, various green and orange vegetables, and fruits. The fiber contained in these types of foods will make you full longer, thereby reducing the portion of food.

In addition to carbohydrates, consuming lean protein sources can also help reduce fat accumulation by building muscle. You can get protein intake from fatty fish, skinless chicken breast, egg whites, low-fat milk and processed products.

Do not forget to drink lots of water, about 8 glasses a day. Drink water before every meal. That way, you are fuller and eat less. Drinking lots of water will also meet the body’s fluid needs and prevent dehydration.

Also limit foods high in saturated and trans fats, and sugars such as fried foods, cakes, ice cream, and milk chocolate. Reduce the use of salt and consumption of salty foods such as potato chips and snacks.

“If what makes thighs big is fat, how to reduce fat that accumulates is the same as reducing fat in other body parts, namely by diet and exercise. Start eating with smaller portions, low-fat protein, lots of vegetables and fruit,” said dr. Irma Lidia, Jovee’s team of doctors.

He also explained that in the past, fat in the lower body area was considered not associated with the risk of heart disease and diabetes. “However, more recent research has shown that reduced fat in the lower body area is associated with better heart health.” he continued.

  1. Sports and physical exercise Certain physical exercises can be done to help tone the thigh muscles. Tight thigh muscles will make the thigh shape more proportional and look slimmer.

To get the ideal thigh, do physical exercises that focus on the lower body. Exercises to shrink the thighs below will also have a positive impact on your hips.

4 Types of Sports with the Family to Reduce Stress

Squat This exercise is quite effective for shrinking the thighs and buttocks by burning fat as well as training the muscles. You can also do squats while holding dumbbells to tone your arm muscles.

*Stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart

  • Extend both hands forward and bend your elbows as if to punch
  • Tighten your abdominal muscles then bend your knees and push your buttocks back, like you’re about to sit down
  • Lower your body to a half squat
  • Keep your back and shoulders straight
  • Return to an upright standing position
  • Do this repeatedly, for a few minutes. Don’t forget to breathe.

Lunges Lunges can also train the leg muscles and burn fat in the thighs. This one exercise can be done to shrink the thighs by:

  • Stand up and spread your feet shoulder width apart
  • Put one foot a little farther forward,
  • Then lower your body until your knees form a 90 degree angle
  • Hold this position for a few seconds, then stand up straight.
  • Do as much, at least, 10 times
  • Repeat the movement on the other leg

Two-Thirds Jump Squat

  • Stand with feet shoulder width apart
  • After that, lower your body like a squat position
  • When the body position is almost squatting, jump while lifting both arms up
  • When landing, position the body as before.
  • Repeat up to 2 – 3 sets, each set 20 times

Fire Hydrant Another way to shrink thighs that has also proven to be quite effective is fire hydrants. The trick is:

  • Take a crawling position with your knees hip-width apart and your hands shoulder-width apart. Make sure your back is straight.
  • Straighten one leg back, until it is parallel to the back
  • Return the stiff to its original position
  • Switch to the other leg and repeat the movement, about 2 – 3 sets

In order to shape your thighs to look slim and toned, you are also advised to do aerobic exercise. Aerobic activity can also help keep your heart and your body healthy overall.

Examples of aerobic exercises you can do include running, jogging, and brisk walking. You can do it 3-4 times a week, for 30 minutes.

Those are some ways to reduce thighs and hips by burning fat and building muscle. Remember to always drink water before you feel thirsty. If you drink after you are thirsty, it means you are already dehydrated.

To get the optimal benefits of exercise and exercise above, combine it with a healthy diet, get enough sleep, and stay away from sources of stress. Lack of sleep is said to disrupt levels of the hormones leptin and ghrelin which regulate appetite.

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4 Outdoor Cardio Exercises And Tips For Safe Exercise During A Pandemic


Cardio exercise is indeed needed to maintain a healthy body and lungs, especially in the current season of the spread of the virus. No wonder the public was very excited when the first Sudirman-Thamrin Car Free Day (CFD) was reopened after the end of the PSBB.

Some flocked to ‘ride’ by bicycle, some ran and walked. As a result, the streets become congested and people fail to practice physical distancing.

It’s true, after staying at home for 3-4 months it feels boring at home. Workouts at home that are done online are no longer as exciting as sweating in the sun and fresh air.

But if everyone chooses to join CFD, then physical distancing can’t be applied, right? Even though the government has relaxed the regulations, it doesn’t mean we are free from the responsibility of this mandatory health protocol, right?

If you really want to do cardio, there are lots of options that you can do outdoors.

Check out some of these sports and tips for doing outdoor sports!

Outdoor Cardio Sports for You to Try. Run Around the House. If the goal is for sports, you don’t need to come to the field or CFD. Running around the house is fun too! No need to run for too long, you can run with a combination of fast and slow intervals.

For example, while running, jog for 10 seconds and sprint for 20 seconds. Repeat 4 times and then walk for 1 minute.

Running at this interval and intensity is faster at burning calories and can train the lungs efficiently. Running like this can help you burn calories even after you’re done exercising.

You can choose workouts based on duration or distance traveled. If your environment doesn’t allow it, you can go to a sports arena or stadium.

Always do sports with a mask and a safe distance. (Photo: Shutterstock) Most importantly, choose a route that is safe and not crowded. Running requires strong breathing, so you can’t wear a mask throughout your workout. When you run into neighbors, just put on your mask!

Bicycle. We are sure that you are starting to realize that everyone is starting to cycle now. Although there are many other sports that can be done, many choose cycling because they are bored at home.

Cycling outdoors is indeed more challenging than exercising on a stationary bike at home.

This cardio exercise also trains your balance, reflexes, and sensory alertness.

Use a mask when cycling. (Photo: Shutterstock) Tips for safety for those of you who want to cycle: always use the lane that has been provided, which is on the left. Use complete safety, starting from helmets, elbow pads, special shoes, masks, and even face shields.

Determine your destination and route before you start so you don’t have to stop on the road too much because you’re confused. You can invite your family members! Remember, when resting on the road, keep doing physical distancing.

Up and Down the Stairs. Home environment does not allow for running or cycling? Try to go to the nearest city park, then look for the stairs. Going up and down stairs can be a great choice of cardio exercise to train your thigh and butt muscles!

Breathing fresh air can reduce stress! (Photo: Shutterstock)Think of it like you’re using a stair mill at the gym! It’s easy, you can do a sprint when you go up the stairs to the top, and go down on foot.

If the stairs are only a few steps, you can go up and down quickly for 30 seconds and rest for 10 seconds. Repeat for up to 6 sets. If done correctly, this exercise only takes less than 30 minutes.

Swimming. Swimming is still a matter of debate from experts, but according to Angela Rasmussen, a virologist from Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health in an article in the New York Times, the corona virus cannot be transmitted through water (not waterborne). The content of chlorine and bromine in swimming pools can inactivate the virus if the virus enters the water.

Actually swimming is quite safe, really. What’s not safe is when you touch chairs and tables in the pool without washing your hands afterward. As long as you keep clean and keep your distance in the locker room, swimming is quite safe to try.

Remember, the risk of transmission is even higher when you are indoors such as a cafe or locker room without maintaining physical boundaries. The risk is even less if you choose to swim in a pool that is not open to the public, such as an apartment or hotel pool.

Tips for Exercising Outdoors During a Pandemic. It’s not forbidden to do cardio outdoors, but you have to be extra careful! Here are health safety tips that you can apply during exercise.

Masks are Mandatory! Feel the positive energy of the sun’s rays! (Photo: Shutterstock) Maybe you can’t wear a mask while swimming. However, when doing sports running or cycling, you are still required to wear a mask. When running and need to breathe intensely, take off your mask for a moment.

Later when you jog or walk in the resting phase, use the mask again, okay? Choose a hairstyle that is comfortable for you to wear a mask on, so that it will keep you confident!

Use Face Shield. It’s even safer if you also use a protector such as a face shield. Now many are selling face shields from mica glass at low prices, comfortable and can be used many times.

Keep in mind that a face shield is not a substitute for a mask, right! The potential for the spread of the virus from droplets is still there even if you use a face shield. For that, don’t skip using a mask.

Define Safe Distance. Even though we’ve chosen the route that is the most desolate from humans, we still can’t avoid the crowds.

If you are exercising at the gym, dodge immediately when you run into a group of people. Find a space or route that is not too crowded. Take a little break from the person running in front of you to stay safe.

Tie your hair or use a head covering. Doing hair is a big no! Indeed, hair can not transmit the virus. But when the hair is loose, we have more tendency to fix it, keep it from blocking the view.

As a result, we inevitably touch our faces, touch our noses, eyes, or even our mouths.

We recommend that you tie your hair or style it in a safe hairstyle such as a braid. You can also use a head covering such as a turban or hat to reduce distraction from windblown and unruly hair.

Wash with Anti-Bacterial Shampoo. Exercising at home and outdoors is definitely different. Even though the air is fresher, you have to be prepared for a variety of dust, dirt and bacteria that threaten the health of your hair. After every workout, use an anti-bacterial shampoo like CLEAR Fresh Cool Lemon Shampoo, come on!

Its advanced content can help fight bacteria that cause dandruff, limp, and hair loss. Healthy scalp even if you are actively exercising outdoors all day!

Don’t be afraid to do cardio outdoors, okay? Besides being more refreshing for the eyes, sunlight is also a good vitamin D for the body. Always do the tips above to stay safe!

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7 Kinds of Martial Arts from Indonesia, Has Been Around Since the Dutch Age


Martial arts is a sport that is used to defend and defend oneself against threats that come from outside or other people. Understanding self-defense in general is the use of various methods carried out by humans with the aim of defending themselves from enemy attacks. This is important if you are facing a dangerous situation, such as robbery, mugging, bullying or other negative things that threaten your safety.

Martial arts is a sport that is quite popular in the world. There are many types of martial arts originating from various countries. But did you know that Indonesia also has martial arts? Not only pencak silat, but there are still many self-defense sports that are characteristic in various regions in Indonesia. The following is a review of martial arts originating from Indonesia which was reported from various sources:

1. Pencak Silat

Pencak Silat is the most popular type of martial arts from Indonesia. This martial art originates from the culture of the Malay tribe and was founded in 1550. Pencak Silat is well known for its attacks using strength and agility techniques as well as the power of body intelligence.

Pencak Silat is a martial art that is also used in national defense training. This martial art is feared by other countries because it is famous for its inner strength which is often shown in immune attractions. Therefore, pencak silat is also often used in the education system of the police and Kopassus or TNI.

Not only in the country, but Pencak Silat already exists in other countries, you know. The official organization of the International Pencak Silat Alliance (PERSILAT) noted that there were already 33 pencak silat organizations spread all over the world. Pencak silat is also an official sport that is competed in the SEA Games. Now, PERSILAT is promoting pencak silat to several countries on five continents with the hope of making pencak silat a sport in the Olympics.

2. Silek Minangkabau

This martial sport originated from Minangkabau. The Minangkabau community, West Sumatra, is known for the habit of wandering since hundreds of years ago. For this reason, they must also have the ability to defend themselves in case of unwanted things while wandering. That’s where Silek Minangkabau was born.

The word silek is a combat art movement that is used to defend oneself from enemy attacks, so that movements are attempted as little as possible, quickly, precisely, with the intention of paralyzing the opponent.

This type of martial arts has been passed down from generation to generation. Silek Minangkabau for Minang people is an identity that is inherent in their daily lives. Because of its nature for self-defense, there is a rule in silek not to attack dangerous parts of the opponent’s body. This martial sport also implies that those who master silek well must have high patience because learning this martial art is not easy.

3. Bakti Negara

In Bali there is a school of pencak silat called Bakti Negara. Bakti Negara is a self-defense sport that is guided by the teachings of the Balinese Hindu Dharma, namely Tri Hita Karana. This martial sport was born on January 31, 1955 due to the arrival of the Dutch colonialists at that time who wanted to rule. Bakti Negara was founded in Banjar Kaliungu Kaja, Denpasar, Bali.

It was initiated and founded by four former Indonesian freedom fighters, namely Anak Agung Rai Tokir, I Bagus Made Rai Keplag, Anak Agung Meranggi, Sri Empu Dwi Tantra, and Ida Bagus Oka Dewangkara. Before being named Bakti Negara, this martial art had various names in Indonesia before 1948.

In Bali, for example, Balinese elders call Tengklung. While in Central Java it is called Pencak, in West Java it is called Mainpo, and in Sumatra it is called Silek. During the colonial period, self-defense was taught as a camouflage in the form of art, because the Dutch were aware that pencak silat could foster a sense of nationalism that could oppose and threaten the existence of the Dutch.

4. Tarung Derajat

Just like pencak silat, Tarung Derajat is also a self-defense sport from Indonesia which has been officially competed in the SEA Games since 2013. Tarungdegree is a self-defense sport that uses full-body contact and the development of the technique is carried out through the experience of its founder, Achmad Derajat, from fighting on the streets of Bandung in the 1960s.

Tarung Drajat was first created by Achmad Drajad in the 1960s in Bandung. This martial arts technique he developed from his experience fighting on the streets. His self-defense technique uses full body contact, aka using full body parts.

In 1998, Tarung Derajat officially became a national sport and was used for basic training for the Indonesian Army. This martial art emphasizes aggressive attacks in hitting and kicking, as well as various slamming, locking and sweeping techniques. This martial arts has now also become a sport at the 2013 Sea Games.

5. Merpati Putih

Merpati Putih is one of the martial arts colleges in Indonesia that teaches its members barehanded martial arts. Merpati Putih is said to have developed since around the 1550s and is referred to as one of the martial arts that belongs to the category of Indonesian homeland culture.

The name Merpati Putih is actually an abbreviation in Javanese, namely Mersudi Patitising Tindak Pusakane Titising Hening which means to seek until you get the truth with calm. From the name, it is hoped that Merpati Putih members can harmonize their hearts and minds in every action. While some martial arts promote agility in the use of weapons, Merpati Putih further sharpens the ability of human power with breathing techniques.

In addition to being a member of PERSILAT, Merpati Putih is also a member of the All-Indonesian Pencak Silat Association (IPSI) and the Martial Arts Federation for World Peace (MAFWP).

6. Cimande

Cimande is a type of self-defense sport that was first created by a Kyai named Mbah Kahir. This martial sport has been known in Indonesia since the 1760s. Cimande is known for some deadly moves in introducing attractions and in fierce battles in some areas because it is considered a deadly pencak silat.

This Cimande martial art is also the most respected type of pencak silat from other pencak silat schools.

7. Perisai Diri

Perisai Diri is a self-defense sports organization that is a member of several official parent organizations of pencak silat. This martial sport has earned the title as a self-defense that is in great demand by children and adults.

Perisai Diri is one of ten martial arts schools that received the title of Historical College because it has played a major role in the history of the formation of the Indonesian Pencak Silat Association (IPSI). Perisai Diri was founded on July 2, 1955 in Surabaya by RM Soebandiman Dirdjoatmodjo, the son of a nobleman from the Paku Alam Palace. The silat technique in Perisai Diri contains 156 silat styles from various regions in Indonesia as well as the Shaolin flow from China. Pesilats will be taught effective self-defense techniques with bare hands and weapons.

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5 Types of Sports You Must Try, Healthy Even at Home


Due to the seriousness of the Corona pandemic situation, it’s likely that you stay at home.

Indeed, staying at home is much safer, and it has also become an appeal from the government to practice social distancing.

But just staying at home causes you to be less physically active too.

Just imagine: I used to walk up the stairs or cross the road, now I work to keep my job in bed while eating a snack.

No wonder the scale needle has shifted slightly to the right!

But you don’t need to worry, Friend Superjuangan, because this article will discuss types of light exercise that are suitable to do at home!

Don’t worry, beginners can do it too. The original intention to be healthy!

Why should you exercise?

In addition to maintaining weight, exercise is very important for other aspects of health, you know!

If you want to keep your weight, check your BMI first! Let’s also read how to calculate ideal body weight.

For example, cardio exercise trains the heart and lung muscles which makes you fitter and prevents heart or lung disease. Usually cardio exercise also makes you mentally healthier. A study from the European Journal of Sport Science said 15 minutes of cardio exercise for 2-3 times a week can overcome anxiety disorders and depression.

On the other hand, cardio exercise must also be complemented by strength training for the sake of muscle building. According to My Active SG, this muscle building can accelerate your metabolic rate and balance the composition of muscle and fat in your body. This means that not only are you losing weight, but you are making your own body burn more fat so it is easier for you to lose weight.

For those of you who are just trying, there’s no need to try the extreme. The important thing is that you do physical activity for 30 minutes per day with a frequency of 5 days per week. If you can’t, remember that even 10 or 5 minutes is better than nothing!

Is it okay to exercise during the Corona pandemic?

In fact, exercise is very necessary. By maintaining physical health and fitness, you are also building a stronger immune system to fight the ongoing Corona pandemic.

But keep in mind that you also have to take preventive steps, such as exercising around the house, wearing a mask, keeping a distance from other people, lowering the clothes you wear after going out, and washing your hands immediately after going out.

What types of exercise can you do at home?

Here Super You Team has summarized 5 types of light and simple exercise that can be done at home for those of you who want to try to start a healthy life:

No need to bother. You just walk around the housing at a speed of about 5 km / hour. Actually this sport is a type of cardio, so the goal is to build physical endurance (endurance), because it is ideally done within a period of 30 minutes per day.

But if you are not used to it, you can start with 10 minutes per day first for the first week, then increase it to 15 minutes per day, then 20 minutes per day. Keep increasing it until you reach 30 minutes per day.

Well, this one sport includes training the muscles in the core and lower body. Squat being one of the classic types of exercise, is also easy to do. Based on the Nerd Fitness guide, you can setup it by:

  • Stand with your feet slightly apart than your hips.
  • Toes point slightly outward, about 5-20 degrees.
  • Look straight ahead and focus on a single point on the wall in front of you.
  • Focus on that point during the squat, don’t look at the floor or the roof.

Here’s the correct posture for the squat:

Make sure your posture is correct, Friend Superjuang!

Ideally squats are done regularly. The frequency itself can be adjusted according to your ability. If you are new, you can start with 10 times in 1 set and 3 times a week. Little by little, you can start increasing the frequency to 15 times per set, then 20 times.

Push ups are also one of the classic types of exercise. This is because push ups are one of the simplest muscle exercises in the upper body.

However, keep in mind that push ups must be done correctly to be effective. For those of you who are still beginners, you can try practicing with incline push-ups first.

Incline push ups are a variation of push ups where the support for push ups is not on the floor but on a higher plane than your feet, such as a table, chair, or even a wall. Here’s how to incline push-ups based on Runtastic:

  • Find a high area (stairs, table, or wall) where you can do incline push ups in a straight line.
  • Start by trying as many reps as you can in a good position, rest for 2 minutes, and repeat for 2 sets. Do it 3 times per week.
  • Do it until you can do 3 x 10 (3 sets, 10 reps each) in a good position – good position means an upright body, especially in the chest, stomach, buttocks, and elbows.
  • Continue to try at a lower altitude and repeat the process. Keep decreasing the height until you finally reach the floor.

Similar to walking, cycling is also a cardio exercise.

But compared to walking, cycling is a type of exercise that is more effective for reducing weight. According to research based on Better Health, cycling burns 300 calories per hour.

Therefore the ideal cycling takes a lot of time, which is 30 minutes per day (for exercise every day) to 60 minutes per day (for training 2-3 times a week).

Like other sports, cycling can be done gradually. As a beginner, you don’t have to be able to do minutes per day. You can try with 10 minutes walking around the complex only when you have time (eg 2 times a week). Then increase the duration (to 15 minutes) or the frequency of exercise (to 3 times a week).

Keep practicing until you get used to reaching 60 minutes per day.

Did you know that jumping rope is an effective cardio exercise?

According to research, jumping rope for 10 minutes is equivalent to jogging for 30 minutes. Therefore, jumping rope does not need to be done for a long time such as cycling or walking, but must be done properly.

Here’s how to do the right jump rope for beginners according to Cross Rope:

  • Make sure both feet are tightly closed when jumping.
  • Jump on the center of the foot and land slowly.
  • Make sure you don’t jump too high.
  • Make sure your knees are slightly bent.
  • Keep the spine high and neutral.
  • Keep your chest and head straight and make sure your head is looking straight ahead.
  • Pull shoulders back and elbows down.
  • Put your hands along the middle of the body (according to the rope).
  • Use your wrist to twist the strap (not your shoulder or elbow).

However, Friends of the Super Fight must remember that sport is not a matter of showing off skills or appearance, but a matter of health. Therefore, don’t get too hung up on your performance as long as it’s healthy. Exercise doesn’t have to be crazy, it can be small as long as it is carried out regularly. I hope this article helps you to stay healthy.

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7 Exercises To Shrink Thighs That Are Easy To Do


Everyone, especially women, would want to have slim thighs. Slim thighs do make you look better, especially when wearing skinny pants. The slim thigh size also allows the body to move more freely.

But unfortunately, the thigh is one area of the body that is ‘preferred’ by fat. This happens because estrogen has a tendency to accumulate fat around the thighs, hips, and pelvis, while testosterone prefers the abdomen. This is one of the main reasons why it is difficult to burn fat and shrink thighs.

But so that the legs do not become too thin, then the exercise must consist of a combination of lifting weights and cardio. Immediately after exercising, the body is advised to eat lots of protein to build muscle because weight training makes the whole body (not just the thighs) lose muscle mass.

Now, what are some exercises to burn weak in the thighs? Here are some types of exercise to shrink on that are easy to do.

  1. Treadmill (running) When you run on a treadmill, it means you are doing an effective cardio workout to burn excess fat while increasing muscle mass. In practice later, adjust and increase the incline level gradually. The reason is because, the greater the incline, the greater the strength of the hamstring and hip muscles.

Treadmill or running is an effective type of exercise to reduce thighs

Another alternative if there is no treadmill is to run regularly. Do it for 15 minutes at first, then gradually increase the duration.

  1. Squat (squat) The existence of a toilet seat in modern times now makes us less likely to squat. Though this movement can shrink the thigh you know. Therefore, do not forget to involve the action of squats when doing sports to shrink the thighs.

To do this, stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Lower the body while bending both knees, try to transfer the weight of the body onto the legs. Extend your arms parallel to your knees for balance. Straighten your back, then count from 0-8 before returning to the starting position.

Do this exercise to shrink thighs 6-8 times every day, depending on your body’s resistance. Most importantly, don’t overdo it.

  1. Cycling Yes, cycling is indeed an activity that uses a lot of lower body muscles such as thighs, legs, buttocks, and hips. So if you have a bicycle and the office location is quite affordable for him, then use the moment of commuting to work as an exercise to shrink your thighs.

Besides being healthy, cycling can also slim your thighs

If the surrounding streets are not considered safe or comfortable enough, then a silent bicycle can also be used. Although you need to spend more to buy it.

  1. Lunge (ambush) Who would have thought that one of the poses in this yoga can also shrink the thighs?! To do this, first stand straight and bend your knees slightly. Step forward with your right leg, bending it while leaning forward so that your entire body weight is concentrated on the front leg. Let the left leg behind you relax.

Hold this position for a count of 8 times before switching to the other leg. Start this exercise with 3 sets (1 set consisting of the right and left legs), then gradually increase the frequency.

  1. Knee-plank To do the knee-plank, let’s start with the table pose as in yoga. Next, stretch your left leg straight back (make sure your toes are pointing at the ceiling) while extending your right arm so that it’s parallel to the floor. After that, move the left leg to bend in under the body so that it is close to the shoulder, repeat 5-6 times. Also apply to the other leg.

  2. Raise your leg and hold it This type of exercise to shrink the thighs that we last discussed is suitable for those of you who are very busy. If you don’t have time to go to the gym or exercise at home, you can do it in bed before going to bed.

Not only to shrink the thighs, this exercise can also streamline the stomach

The method is very easy, you just lie on your back with the position of both arms by your side. Then lift both legs that are straight and close together to form a 45’ angle. Hold that leg position for a count of 8, then lower and relax. Later when you get used to it, lift your legs longer. Start with 6 exercises, and slowly increase the frequency. Not only can you shrink your thighs, this movement can also streamline your stomach. Fun right?!

What is clear, keep an eye on your diet when doing sports to shrink your thighs. In addition, be patient because it always takes a process and also time if you want to see the results. Do not also give up or stop in the middle of the road because if so, all the efforts you have done so far will be in vain.

This article is for health information only, not a medical diagnosis. We recommend that you continue to consult directly with doctors who are experts in their fields.

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5 Tool-Free Cardio Exercises for Beginners


When you talk about cardio exercise for beginners, maybe what you think about is cardio with equipment, even though there are also several types of cardio without equipment that can be your choice to burn fat. Even though it is done without tools, it turns out that this physical exercise is still effective in achieving the weight loss target that you have targeted. But of course you also have to do it regularly and regularly with the same duration every day.

Cardio exercises without equipment are usually chosen for several reasons, including: you are too busy to go to the gym, you are embarrassed to be seen by many people and also you don’t like doing sports with equipment. For its own advantages, besides being able to do sports without this tool anytime and anywhere, of course the costs are also cheap because you don’t have to pay for gym members or buy exercise equipment. You can try cardio exercise at home without equipment.

But did you know that it turns out that a common mistake that is often made for those who choose cardio without equipment is that you must know the basics of correct and effective male cardio exercise movements. So you will reach the target you want. Check out how the basic movements are correct below!

BASIC MOVEMENT Don’t you remember when you were in school before you exercise you had to do basic warm-ups like jumping jacks and burpees? Well, you should also do this basic warm-up before starting to exercise without your tools. With a basic warm-up, the body will be more optimal in burning fat. The next question is, how do you warm up properly? Here is the answer:

  • Walk in place for 1 minute
  • 10 times jumping jack
  • 30 seconds of walking in place
  • 5 times burpees
  • 15 seconds of walking in place
  • Jump rope for 1 minute
  • 20 seconds of walking in place
  • 10 times push ups
  • 20 times jumping jack
  • 15 seconds of walking in place
  • Jump rope for 2 minutes
  • 7 times burpees
  • 2 minutes walk on the spot
  • Do stretches

Now after doing a basic warm-up, now you can get into the types of sports without tools that can be done at home, in the office or in the park. So that you don’t get bored, here are some types of cardio exercises without equipment that you can try:

Jump Jumping excuses is a pretty effective way to get sweaty without having to run around jogging tracks in normally crowded city parks. Replace the classic jump rope move with a cross jack, which requires you to alternate between your legs and arms as you jump. Here’s the guide:

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and spread your arms out to your sides with your palms facing down. Throw your body up while crossing your right hand over your left hand and your right foot in front of your left leg. Jump to return to the starting position. Then, jump again with opposite arms and legs (left hand crossed over right hand and left leg crossed in front of right foot). This move counts as 1 set.

For best results, alternate sides and repeat 25 sets. The thing you should pay attention to is to keep your jump speed and if possible don’t rest too long between jumps.

If you feel this movement is too heavy, there are other alternatives you know! Try small jumps (no need to be taller than 5 cm) by keeping your toes on and pushing yourself up with the heels of your feet as if you were jumping rope.

Circle hop squats Circle hop squats can be an option for exercising at home without equipment. Or it could be an option for those of you who want to stay in shape even though you are busy at the office because you can also do this exercise at the office. So for those who don’t know, here’s the right guide for doing the circle hop squat!

Stand with your feet spread apart with your fingers slightly out of the way. Then puff out your chest and lower your upper body into a squat, touching the ground with your arms outstretched.

Then press the body down to prepare to jump up, turning left 180 degrees while in the air; at the same time, swing both hands over the body from right to left. Then, land slowly in a squat position, both hands back straight supported on the ground

Repeat the jump by changing the position of the arm swing (now from left to right). Continue to do squats alternating sides, 2-3 sets of 10 reps per set.

Mountain climber twist The next movement you can do for cardio without equipment is the mountain climber twist. This exercise itself is one type of variation of the plank which is known to be very effective for burning stubborn fat in the body. You can do this exercise anywhere because the Mountain climber twist does not require any tools. Check out the moves below:

Start in a high plank position, which means your legs are stretched out straight on the ground with your hands resting on the ground, also stretched out straight while tightening your abs. Then, bend the knee of the leg and cross it to the right in the body towards the right elbow, with the position of the foot as if you were running. Next, switch positions by crossing your right knee towards the left in your body.

Do alternating as quickly as possible without lifting your hips, for seconds. Now for those of you who feel that this movement is difficult to do, try to change the cross knee movement by “running” the knee forward towards the chest.

Jumping lunges

The last cardio exercise at home without equipment that you can try is Jumping lunges. Besides being recommended for burning fat, the following exercises are also good for regulating your breathing. Follow the method below, yes!

Begin the movement with your chest and chin raised and your stomach muscles tightened. Take a big step forward with your right foot. Then sink your upper body straight down so that your right knee is snugly above the shoe and your left knee is “floating” in the air facing the floor. Continue with each knee bent at 90 degrees.

The next move is to jump. Change the foot on the middle of the jump so that you land with your left foot in front of your right foot and immediately sink your lower body back into the starting lunge position. Keep doing it for seconds.

Well besides exercising regularly, actually another way to optimize your weight loss program is to adjust your diet. If you want to know how to set the right diet, let’s click here because Alvin is ready to help!

Keep it up and good luck for your program!

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